Pollsters have had a good
independence referendum. However, improved explanations about why voters
have swung to ‘Yes’ would be helpful.
This blog discusses public attitude change and how it might be better explained during a future EU referendum campaign.
Opinion pollsters have added insight and direction to an engaging campaign. Without the polls we would be unaware just how close the contest had become, lost in a fog on punditry. We would be subject to endless claims
and counter-claims from each lobby about who was really speaking for the people. Polling keeps politicians honest, telling us
about the evolving credibility of each side’s message. Interviews and focus groups with voters may
have their own value, but they leave us little wiser about the overall outcome
of the event. By contrast, polling forecasts
have moved financial markets, changed campaign strategies, perhaps even caused
the No lobby to concede ‘Devo Max’ to the Scots. Given the increasing demand for polling
predictions, and the internet technologies that make the supply of polls cheaper,
we should expect increased polling activity if and when an EU Referendum is
called. But the product itself can
be improved.
Whilst the Scottish experience has been great news for the
pollsters, it has also given them a couple of headaches. Firstly, it may go horribly wrong by Friday
morning. Any celebrations of their
impact could prove premature if the actual result reveals an industry-wide
miscalculation. Given that the
independence ballot is a one-off, methods cannot be tweaked from previous experiences
to correct for non-random (systemic) error.
Polling companies are therefore less
sure than usual about the accuracy of their surveys, particularly those using
online panels that rely upon heavy weighting to the initial samples. The +/- 3 point ‘margin of random sampling error’ may not tell the
full story of polling reliability. To
the pollsters’ credit, they have been both honest and humble about their
methods, taking every opportunity to raise their own self-doubts about their
figures. An excellent discussion of
referendum polling accuracy can be heard on the BBC Radio 4 More or Less programme, here, and the matter is
well reviewed in a blog by Stephen Fisher here and Anthony Wells here. The general feeling seems to be that, if
anything, pollsters are more likely to be overestimating rather than
underestimating actual support for Yes.
Even if they get it wrong this time, they deserve credit for sticking their
stake in the ground, being open about their methodology so it can be improved
upon in future.
Assuming the pollsters have told us correctly what will
happen, to be confirmed tomorrow, they are less impressive at telling us why it
is happening. Ultimately, what really
matters is change in public attitudes because it’s this change which could
split the United Kingdom apart. Understanding why
support has changed requires a fuller range of survey indicators than the
simple and less reliable self-reports by voters of their own motivations – the questions
which are asked currently. The public
need to be probed in more detail about their national identities, partisanship,
economic evaluations and levels of political trust that are all key causal
variables. Also such indicators need to
be analysed over time rather than as one off measurements, to pick up on trends. Very little of this over time analysis has
been conducted on attitudes towards independence, in part through lack of data. This may explain why it took a shock poll
from YouGov, showing Yes in front for the first time, to jolt public interest
and the No side into serious action, less than two weeks prior to the ballot. Whilst traditional polling based on
individual snapshots of opinion did not see a close race coming,
it was in fact predicted by researchers at Southampton University, using a rare (Bayesian) model of
vote intention based on trends and probabilities. Better partnerships between public facing
polling companies and academics versed in time-series methodologies could
improve the offering and its overall impact.
Understanding underlying trends in support is crucial to
framing the right campaigning strategies on both sides, shedding light on what
is working and what is not.
Misunderstanding of why support has moved, could explain the poor
performance of the No campaign. In a
matter of weeks, opinion is now split close to 50/50 between Yes and No, having
been 60/40 against, a shift described by Anthony Wells of YouGov as a ‘real and
sustained large change’. Polls may be
overestimating or underestimating support at any one time, but on the question
of over time trends they are unequivocal.
As the ‘poll of polls’ below shows, this growth in support for
independence has actually been going on for months rather than weeks:
Pollsters and political scientists who specialise in public opinion tend to be conservative about shifts in attitudes, particularly short-term ones. As the Polling Observatory make clear, these can often be nothing more than random noise, artefacts of measurement instruments rather than a significant signal of attitude change. However, long-term change as evident in Scotland cannot be so easily dismissed.
The question of explaining attitude change is also a
theoretical one about how voters form their opinions, extending beyond
practical questions of data and polling methods. The problem here is a lack of clear underlying
theory why individual voters have actually shifted their attitudes. Within some quarters of academia, there is
outright denial that voters possess the capacity to change their views in
response to campaign information, at least in a meaningful way. Dr Rob Johns, writing on the British Election Study website, warned in July – just before the No campaign
started to implode: ‘do not expect major shifts in opinion in the run-up to 18 September and that ‘the millions to be spent on persuading voters between now
and polling day will be largely wasted’.
What appears in hindsight as irresponsible advice, reflects
a gloomy appraisal of the voter. Rather
than behaving in a largely economic (or ‘rational’) fashion by consciously
weighing up the costs and benefits of Yes and No, Johns argues voters develop
their preferences in an irrational or psychological manner, working against
change. Preferences are deeply rooted in
‘early upbringing and personality’. This
idea dates back to the seminal ‘Michigan School’ studies of the American Voter
in the 1950s, an account of electoral behaviour that stressed the role of
‘enduring partisan commitments in shaping attitudes’, formed early in life and
remaining stable through adulthood (Campbell et al. 1960). Despite
concerted attempts in voter studies to revise the Michigan School approach with
more dynamic ‘rational choice’ type models, the older approach has never really
gone away. Indeed national identity
attachment is ingrained in academic literature as the dominant variable for
explaining support for the EU (Hooghe and Marks, 2009). The question is, when significant opinion
change does happen, as it did during the Eurozone crisis in respect of
attitudes towards EU membership, and now again during the Scottish Referendum
campaign, is the Michigan School theory up to the task of explaining it?
Under the Michigan model, when the voter is confronted by
new information, he is likely to become polarised in his existing opinions
because he assimilates news through the prism of his long-standing biases: ‘the
individual is more a rationaliser (of his existing prejudices) than a rational
decision maker’ (Lodge and Taber, 2013:26).
For example, in the Scottish case, the voter who watched the televised
referendum debates, if a nationalist, would tend to dismiss Alistair Darling’s
arguments whilst agreeing with Alex Salmond, without judging the competing
arguments on their merits. The unionist
would behave similarly, blindly agreeing with Darling and rejecting the words
of Salmond. Hence, not much change in
the polls would result. If one side
enjoys a short-term bounce, it is likely to be superficial, dissipating as
voters powerful long-term attachments kick back in.
There is another specific reason why this psychological, non-rational
model theory of the voter is popular in explaining opinion on the Scottish
referendum. Independence is an issue
akin to the question of EU membership, long considered difficult for the public
to appreciate in a thoughtful way.
Academics like to argue that because the economic and constitutional
questions of EU membership (or Scottish independence) are so complex, an
essentially lazy and ill-informed public cannot engage with them. Instead, EU membership or Independence stirs
passions that are not reconcilable with rational discourse – so the argument
goes. These passions are based on national
identities and populist distrust of the governing elite, which combine in a
heady cocktail of emotion. Whenever we
hear the media framing the debate as ‘hearts versus heads’ this line of
thinking is in play. The assumption is
the public cannot reconcile competing (affective-cognitive) dimensions in their
support, meaning their evolving attitudes are unstable, and usually constructed
externally of them. In the simplest
terms, rather than the voter consciously and reasonably weighing up different
aspects of the debate and making informed choices himself, the different
dimensions in his attitudes become mobilised by the media and politicians
instead. And this becomes the
explanation for changing preferences to Yes – the Yes campaign could
effectively mobilise voters key underlying attachments against Westminster,
together with Scottish nationalism. The
No campaign was always likely to struggle to mobilise Scottish voter’s economic
calculus against separation by highlighting its risks. If the Yes campaign wins, it will be said
that hearts have triumphed over minds.
The result was somewhat inevitable and No’s big mistake was allowing the
referendum to happen in the first place.
There is an alternative explanation of why attitudes have
changed in Scotland which gives more credit to the voter. It does not deny that Scottish voters’
beliefs are strongly influenced by their national identity and that many have a
passionate distrust of the British political establishment, nor does it take a
view on the worthiness of these attitudes.
It simply maintains that these emotional aspects of their support are
more closely related to their economic evaluations than the psychological
theory of voting insists. Rather than
voters’ support for independence being structured along two unrelated
dimensions, attitudes are simply a mix of the voters own prior beliefs and new
evaluations. Voters update their prior
beliefs as a ‘running-tally’ of their new evaluations of information, changing
these prior beliefs when they consider the new information to be sufficiently
valuable to affect their interests – and ignoring it if they consider it
invalid (Fiorina, 1981). The voter isn’t
so conditioned by his background and psychological processes, rather he has
subjective views of his own and is capable of making choices. The problem with the No campaign wasn’t
necessarily the dry emphasis on economic and political costs and benefits, but
that the public either didn’t receive sufficient information early enough; they judged
the message too disorganised and confused; or discounted the information because
they distrusted the source. If No loses, it was not inevitable, their arguments weren’t necessarily
wrong but their presentation was. In
particular it needed to come from more trusted sources than the declining Westminster
mainstream elite – perhaps the Scottish voters themselves via a more
grass-roots orientated campaign. (The
importance of grass-roots campaigning and the weakness of mainstream political
parties in influencing their voters is a major lesson for EU referendum campaigners.)
The running-tally explanation of changing attitudes demands
that voter attitudes are modelled over time, to reflect the probability
calculation that voters make between the value of their previous beliefs and
the worth of new information. It
requires long-running time-series data with the same questions asked in each
poll, such as by the monthly British Election Study Continuous Monitoring Survey. New data, new methods and revisionist
theories about the capabilities of voters to make informed choices could all
contribute to make polling on a future EU referendum even more impactful than
the polling on the Scottish independence referendum.
A, Converse, P, Miller, W and Stokes, D.
(1960). The American
Voter. University of Chicago Press.
M. (1981). Retrospective Voting in American National Elections. New Haven:
Yale University Press.
Hooghe, L and Marks, G. (2009). A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus. British Journal of Political Science, Volume 39, Issue 1, pp 1-23.
Lodge, M and Taber, C. (2013). The Rationalizing Voter. New
York: Cambridge University Press.Hooghe, L and Marks, G. (2009). A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus. British Journal of Political Science, Volume 39, Issue 1, pp 1-23.
My planned PhD thesis is summarised here. It uses the ‘running-tally’ theory and time-series methods to explain why public attitudes have moved so sharply both for and against EU membership in the last ten years, in response to record EU immigration and financial crisis.